Scientific name: Apis mellifera
Class: Insects
Familly: Apidae
Order: Hymenoptera
Life span: Queen : from 4 to 5 years
Male (drone): approx. 50 days
Worker: 35 to 45 days
As soon as the elements cooperate, brave young queens will take to the skies in a quest for their one true mate. The two meet halfway through flight and come together with love that is brief yet powerful enough for fertilization of eggs before parting ways forever – the male dies shortly afterwards leaving his mate alone to begin colonization anew.
Buzzing from flower to flower, bees gather nectar and pollen to form a sugary masterpiece. This delectable treat they call honey is used in many recipes worldwide.
Wild bees have a knack for finding the perfect spot to create their hive; whether it be in some lofty, out-of-reach location such as a chimney or hollow trunk – or even an idyllic branch outside. These adroit creatures often avoid city areas and flock towards rural locations instead.
Honeybees don’t sting indiscriminately – they will only defend themselves if their safety is threatened, but to do so comes at a heavy cost as it costs them their life.
Our buzzing little friends, the bees, are disappearing at an alarming rate. Various scientists have attempted to explain this phenomenon and they all agree that mankind’s actions may be largely responsible for the decline in bee numbers. The reasons are as these: